Energy Savings for Business_ Investing to keep businesses competitive – Emissions Reduction AlbertaGood day,
A wide range of cost-effective high efficient products and onsite energy generation technologies are eligible for incentives through this program:
Energy Savings for Business: Investing to keep businesses competitive – Emissions Reduction Alberta (
First, we need to understand what a cogeneration system is and how it is best used to maximize its benefits and financial returns for your applications. Cogeneration is the simultaneous generation of heat and power, for commercial buildings and or industrial applications. Cogeneration is also known as “combined heat and power” (CHP).
Traditionally we all understand this process as two separate systems, one that creates hot water and another that is used to create electricity. Combined heat and power systems have revolutionized this by combining these two independent functions into one complete system. Using natural gas (or other), a CHP system generates heat with on or off-grid electricity as a by-product of this process. When compared to using hot water boilers in conjunction with conventional power as supplied from your current utility provider, these environmentally friendly systems are 30% to 50% more efficient. Offering a quick return on your investment.
Able to be installed outside or inside your building, these whisper-quiet CHP systems not only reduce your energy costs, but they also reduce consumption and drastically lower your GHG emissions. When powered with renewable natural gas, these sustainable solutions may very-well help you yield net-zero emission results.
Cogeneration solutions have been around for decades, today’s “micro” CHP systems can be installed in large-scale homes, commercial buildings and or in commercial applications. Energy is generated behind the meter, next to the building or commercial activity requiring power or hot water, avoiding the traditional utility surcharges, etc. Installation is easy and can be installed by most licensed local service professionals.
For over a half a century, LSM has delivered sound heating and cooling solutions along with mechanical and fabrication services that are energy-efficient, sustainable and cost-effective. But now with merging technologies, renewable energy resources and improved communication devices, we can raise the bar, which will not only lower fuel consumption and energy costs but will do so autonomously, for both our valued residential and commercial customers.
To best serve you, we’ve started a new division focused on energy solutions that will centre on alternative energy production, renewable energy integration, waste heat recovery, automated controls as well as energy storage and net metering. This division although new consists of our already in-house professional accredited personnel from all our departments; mechanical, electrical, refrigeration, hydronic, cogeneration, solar as well as our fabrication and powder coating departments, for any customized applications in your business or your home.
What does that mean to you? Sound expert advice, backed with over 55 years of proven service and reliability, at the same price points you’ve respected all these years. Let us help you, cut your utility costs while eliminating emissions for a green and sustainable tomorrow, today!