$55 million in funding for Alberta business to improve efficiency and reduce emissions
As of February 1, 2021A wide range of cost-effective high efficiency products and onsite energy generation technologies are eligible for incentives through this program:
The program is designed to support the more than 160,000 small- and medium-scale enterprises in Alberta. All business and non-profits serviced by an Alberta electric utility are eligible, except for residences, new construction projects, municipally, federal and provincially owned buildings, publicly funded institutions and Large Emitters —as defined under Alberta’s TIER regulation.
Eligible organizations include, but are not limited to:
For projects to be eligible, they must occur at facilities located within Alberta, meet project timeline requirements and follow the criteria outlined in the Participant Terms and Conditions.
Participants and contractors alike are invited to join us for a comprehensive webinar on February 2 at 1 p.m (MT). This webinar is targeted towards businesses, business leaders, non-profits and contractors. We will be covering eligible measures, incentive levels, how to navigate the information available and provide a live demonstration of the Program Portal.
Learn More
Our resources page has videos, checklists and any program information you might need.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Our dedicated contact centre is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our team will work hard to get back to you within two business days. We’re happy to help you with any questions about the program or how to apply.
Email: support@eralberta.ca | Toll-free: 844-407-0025
Local (403) number: 403-778-9467
Local (780) number: 780-306-8376
Local (587) number: 587-943-168
The Low Carbon Economy Leadership Fund provides $1.4 billion to provinces and territories to reduce carbon pollution and help Canada meet its 2030 climate target. The funding recognizes the key role provinces and territories play in addressing climate change, and it supports their efforts to reduce emissions, encourage innovation, save money, and create jobs and healthier communities.